While the impact of COVID-19 on health inequalities is well documented, oral health has been relatively absent from the news.
The human truth is that dentures help to mask out insecurities, now when everyone is wearing a mask, one does not have the motivation to be wearing a denture.
So we needed to recruit the lapsed GEN-Z users in PH and TH who are currently seeing low relevance of Polident in their socially curtailed lives to realise that it is an integral part of denture wear and care.
- the idea -
The sound of freshhhhhh...
Once you hear Polident sizzling, you can be sure your retainer is getting the best cleaning possible, making it super freshhhhhh...
The ask was to target Thai Gen Z, we wanted to leverage on Tik Tok incredible strong engagement and loyalty amongst that group. So we knew for sure that we did not want to create a typical CGI Mode of Action (MOA). We need to show them something cool or entertaining, with a more organic feel to it.
Hence we created this beauty shot rather than a traditional MOA.
/ Additional Credits /
Digital Creative Director
Michal Pawlowski
Associate Creative Director
Eva Chin
Jaye Neo
Video Production House